C Disc Configurations

Catch to net

In areas that are difficult to access and, as an example, very shallow water, the C Disc™ can be configured to give an extended outreach from a boat. While the diver is operating a suction nozzle that is suitable for the seabed conditions, and the targeted species, the catch is collected in nets on the tool.

Catch to boat

The C Disc™ can also be configured to bring the catch directly up to the boat. The diver will be operating a suction nozzle that is suitable for the seabed conditions, and the targeted species. In this configuration, the diver can fully utilize the dive-time by focusing on the harvesting.

Catch to shore

The C Disc™ can also be deployed from land/shore without the need for a boat for near-shore work, for easy and efficient harvesting process. The diver will be operating a suction nozzle that is suitable for the seabed conditions, and the targeted species. In this configuration, the diver can fully utilize the dive-time by focusing on the harvesting.